Victorias PhotoGraphics"); outOfFrame (); printf ("", $color); DrawBigPicPage ($param); $picpath = sprintf ("%s/%s", getcwd (), $param); $picurl = sprintf ("%s/%s", dirname ($_SERVER ['PHP_SELF']), $param); $size = @GetImageSize ($picpath); $x = 100; $y = 100 + $size [1] + 20; printf ("
", $x, $y, 300, 400, 12, $colort); list ($b, $text1) = split ("/", $param); list ($text, $r) = split ("\.", $text1); // printf ($text."    "); if (0) { printf ("Download", $picurl); } printf ("
"); printf (""); } exit; } printf (" Model %s", $info [0][1]); outOfFrame (); printf ("", $color); if (!isset ($big[0][0])) { exit; } $x = 0; $y = 0; //PlacePic ($x, $y, 708, 606, "/buttons/backjpg.jpg"); $x = 120; $y = 0; PlaceText ($x, $y, "Erotic Model Gallery for editorial review", $colort, 34); $y += 45; PlaceText ($x + 175, $y, "Copyright © Victorias PhotoGraphics", $colort, 12); $y += 30; PlaceText ($x + 195, $y, "Click on the image to enlarge", $colort, 12); $y += 35; PlacePic (0, $y, 800, 19, "/strip.jpg"); $y += 20; $x = 30; $px = $x; $cnt = 0; $start = 0; $totalw = 0; $drawn = 0; $rand = 0; $nb = sizeof ($big); if ($rand) { for ($i = count($small); --$i; $i > 0) { $j = @mt_rand(0, $i+1); $temp = $small[$i]; $small[$i] = $small[$j]; $small[$j] = $temp; $temp = $big [$i]; $big [$i] = $big [$j]; $big[$j] = $temp; } } if ($rand) { $f = fopen ("picsr.php", "w"); if (!$f) { printf ("Can't access file"); exit; } fputs ($f, sprintf ("\n")); fclose ($f); } //array_splice ($small, $main, 1); for ($i=0; $i < count ($small); $i++) { $totalw += ($small[$i][1] + 20); $cnt++; if ($totalw > 500) { $px = (800 - $totalw) / 2; if ($px < 0) { $px = $x; } for ($j = $start; $j < ($start + $cnt); $j++) { DrawFramedPic ($px, $y, $small[$j][1], $small[$j][2], $small [$j][0], $color); DrawForm ($px, $y, $small[$j][1], $small[$j][2], "db", $big [$j][0]); list ($b, $text1) = split ("/", $big [$j][0]); list ($text, $r) = split ("\.", $text1); PlaceText ($px, $y + $small [$j][2] + 20, $text, $colort, 10); $px += ($small[$j][1] + 40); $drawn ++; } $y += 240; $start = $i + 1; $cnt = 0; $totalw = 0; } } if ($drawn != ($i)) { $px = (800 - $totalw) / 2; if ($px < 0) { $px = $x; } for ($j = $start; $j < ($start + $cnt); $j++) { DrawFramedPic ($px, $y, $small[$j][1], $small[$j][2], $small [$j][0], $color); DrawForm ($px, $y, $small[$j][1], $small[$j][2], "db", $big [$j][0]); list ($b, $text1) = split ("/", $big [$j][0]); list ($text, $r) = split ("\.", $text1); PlaceText ($px, $y + $small [$j][2] + 20, $text, $colort, 10); $px += ($small[$j][1] + 30); $drawn ++; } $y += 240; } $y += 40; PlacePic (0, $y, 800, 19, "/strip.jpg"); printf (""); ?>